We’re Breaking Ground
Kicking off our largest Amaryllis season with a 22,000 square foot warehouse expansion!
Bloomaker, U.S. market leader in a range of floral products including amaryllis, hydroponically grown tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils is anticipating its largest holiday season in company history. Starting in September, we will produce and ship nearly 1.5 million amaryllis bulbs to our major retail customers across the US and Canada from our production facility and headquarters just outside Waynesboro, VA. Bloomaker has seen a significant increase in amaryllis sales over the past five years, leading to a need to expand their onsite production capabilities.
“The decision to bring many of our production techniques for both amaryllis and tulips in house was driven by a desire to be able to offer unique designs whilst maintaining the highest quality across our entire product range,” said Paul Gabb, General Manager. “However, we also knew that making that decision would mean that combined with the increase in demand we’ve seen year on year, we’d reached our maximum capacity in our existing facility, and that an expansion would therefore be needed in order to allow us to continue to grow at our current rates.”
As a result, the company has just started construction of an additional 22,000 sq. ft warehouse at its Virginia site to be completed this year and is planning on another 40,000 sq. ft expansion at the same site in the near future. Plans include inventory upgrades and new designs, fully automated robotic production systems to reduce heavy and repetitive processes, and a design team working with hi-tech printing systems to keep innovation and decorative processes in-house. New warehousing will lead to cross docking capabilities to facilitate floral fulfilment with existing and new partners. Bloomaker is optimistic that these warehouse expansion projects will help it to reach its goal of increasing production by 50% over the next five years.